Occupational therapy supports and plays a crucial role in enhancing the lives of children with learning disabilities.
PROPRIOCEPTION is one of the eight sensory systems.It play role in sensory processing. It contributes in motor planning (preparation of movement) for a task.Proprioception dysfunction can lead to hyporesponsiveness to sensory stimuli.It's receptors are present in muscle spindle &joints .
This sense get stimulated when there is pressure,pull or push .Proprioception sensation provides awareness of body.
Proprioceptive base activities are key in improving various aspects such as muscle tone, self-regulation, writing skills, endurance, and more. These activities help channelize energy towards productivity while enhancing comprehension, perceptual motor skills, emotion & self regulation, cognition, and mindfulness.
Pediatric occupational therapy professionals focus on implementing evidence-based, fun, play, and sensory motor activities to promote holistic well-being in children and teenagers. From pressing a sponge ball to engaging in therapy ball exercises, the range of activities is diverse and engaging.
Concerns like praxis issues, lethargy, hypotonic muscles, poor posture, and more are addressed through these proprioceptive activities.
Evaluation by a registered Pediatric Occupational Therapist from the Maharashtra State OTPT Council in Mumbai can further tailor therapy programs to enhance academic skills for children.
Remember, good results require patience. Keeping patience while occupational therapy works its magic is key.
These activities are shared for general awareness and educational purposes, highlighting the importance of specialized therapy for children with learning disabilities.
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